Not all accounts have the ability to set up the permissions, if for any reason there is something you need that you do not have access to then please contact our support.
Use the admin menu to navigate to Users > All Users.
Next, search for the desired user you need to change and click their corresponding link.
The next page that loads is the edit user page, click on the Permissions tab. There are a few settings that determine what permissions a user has.
Is Active - This determines whether you have an active or deactivate account. This should always be checked for the logins to work with Triniq.
Is Staff - For non-ambassador staff who need to access the Triniq admin.
Is Promoter - For ambassadors who need special ambassador access.
Groups - This determines the group of permissions that are applied to the account. Also known as Roles, User Roles, User Groups, etc. This is required in order to enable many of the admin features to certain types of users.
Companies - If a staff or an ambassador then ensure the company that you need admin access to is selected. Customers won't need anything set for this field.
User Permissions - This can override certain permissions. It's recommended not to use this and to use our pre-saved user groups instead.
If you need a custom user group/role created then please contact our support.