To create a complimentary ticket so that you can issue all people who enter the event an eticket then follow these simple steps and your door staff will be thanking you in no time!
1. Navigate to Events > Manage Ticket Tiers
2. Create a new ticket tier the same way you would as an online tier except entering 0 for price and booking fee. We also recommend only allocating the number of tickets you plan to give out for the ticket tier.
3. Scroll down, check the Is Hidden checkbox (very important) and hit the save button.
4. Once the ticket tier is saved and created, use the admin menu to head to Ambassadors > Allocate Tickets.
5. Allocate all of the free tickets to either yourself or your very trusted staff who will be managing the free list.
6. Once all the tickets are allocated you can then follow the steps for ambassadors using Triniq to prepare the free tickets and send them out.
WARNING: When using free ticket tiers be careful that you do not allow the free tickets to appear online on the public facing pages otherwise your customers will be able to purchase free tickets, so please take extra care when using this feature.