If you need to change the price of an ambassador ticket then it depends on a few factors, such as, are you looking to just change 1 or a small few ticket's prices or the entire ticket tier. We'll go through each scenario below so that you have a good idea on how you can approach this.
Once off price changes:
If the ticket prices that need changing due to a special discount or for whatever reason then you can edit the ambassador ticket directly to override the price the single ticket and save it.
Changing an entire ticket tier:
If you need to change an entire ticket tier's pricing then it depends on a few things, such;
1. Have there been any sales finalised on this ticket tier yet?
2. Are these tickets the same as an online ticket tier and if yes, will the ticket price differ from online vs ambassador after the change?
If you answered no to both of those questions then you can head right into the manage ticket tiers area and edit the price of the ticket tier.
If you answered yes to either of those questions then you need to create a new ticket tier in order to change the price.
Also, an additional note is that if you also answered yes to question 1, then you would need to void/cancel the old ticket tiers that have not been sent and finalised with the customers via the ticket ambassador before reallocating the newly priced ticket. You can learn more about how to void ambassador tickets in the next article.