To create a new Ambassador there are two methods that you can use.
Method 1 - New Accounts
1. Use the admin menu to navigate to Ambassadors > Add Ambassador
2. Enter the email and password (create a secure password >> ).
3. Make sure the correct company is set, in most cases, you may only have access to one company. After everything is set up correctly hit the save and continue button.
4. Once saved the page will reload and you'll be able to click the permissions tab for the user. Inside the permission tab you need to set the following fields; ensure both Is Active and Is Promoter is checked. Also, set the Group (role) to be Promoter. Finally, ensure the correct company is selected. Once that is done hit save and their account is ready to have tickets allocated to it.
5. Send the user logins and instructions for ambassadors (later in this section)
Method 2 - Upgrading Existing Accounts
1. Use the admin menu to navigate to Ambassadors > Add Ambassador
2. Search and find the existing user that you want to upgrade to be an Ambassador and click the corresponding user link.
3. Once the single user edit page loads, click the permissions tab.
4. Inside the permission tab you need to set the following fields; ensure both Is Active and Is Promoter is checked. Also, set the Group (role) to be Promoter. Finally, ensure the correct company is selected. Once that is done hit save and their account is ready to have tickets allocated to it.
5. Send the instructions for ambassadors (later in this section)