The Ambassadors module for Triniq is an optional addon that is activated for all company accounts by default. There are a variety of uses for the Ambassadors area and it can be a powerful tool in your event kit.
Open additional sales channels: A great way to use the ambassadors area is to find a network of interested ticket sellers and/or outlets, then you can allocate them tickets via Triniq to sell. Once the ticket seller finds buyers, they collect the money and then log in to Triniq to enter all of the buyer's details with their own ambassador admin account. After all of the ticket details are saved, the ticket seller can then send the buyer the ambassador etickets digitally. This eliminates the need to chase down hard copy tickets and the money because via Triniq you have full control to cancel tickets.
Streamlining free list & complimentary tickets: For those who have free lists you can use the ambassadors area to send your freelist their own individual etickets. This will help make your door process much smoother.
In this section, we'll teach you how to make use of the Ambassadors module regardless of what purpose you intend for it.