If you need to edit an existing event first use the admin menu to navigate to Events > All Events.

A list of all of your events will load, click the name of the event you are wanting to change.

Once you have loaded the event edit page there will be a series of fields and options. 

Here are the details on what each field means and how to use them:

Company (Mandatory) - The Company field needs to be set to the company this event belongs to and the company who's Stripe/PayPal account where you want the money to clear to. In most cases accounts only have one company, however, in some accounts, there are users that belong to multiple companies and can manage them by using the one login. It's very important to ensure this dropdown is set to the correct company.

Title (Mandatory) - Event names is the branded title of your event, this would generally be the same name you use to promote throughout your makreting, this name will be used on the event page and ticket emails.

Tagline (Optional) - Event taglines are quick one liners used to help sell your event. These taglines only appear on the event page underneath the event title/logo. These are also great for adding quick messages to your event pages.

Starts At (Mandatory) - Event start time is the exact time and date that your event opens it's doors to the public and starts at the venue.

Ends At (Mandatory) - Event start time is the exact time and date that your event closes it's doors to the public end ends at the venue.

Location (Mandatory) - Location requires the short version of the text with the actual name of the venue you are hosting your event at and the address. This is displayed on the event page and also the home page when 'Is on home page' is checked.

Lineup (Recommended) - Lineup is a shortened version of the lineup, pick 6 of your best acts only. This is displayed on the home page when 'Is on home page' is checked.

Facebook Tracking ID (Recommended) - The Facebook Tracking ID is the area where you put your Facebook Pixel ID. When your Facebook Pixel is active for your events you can use it to track your conversions for your Facebook Ads and also for generating remarketing audiences via the people who are visiting your event page.

Short Description (Recommended) - The short description is used for when your event page link is shared inside Facebook, the short description is the detailed text underneath the image and title or the share link box inside Facebook. The short description is also used for the SEO description tag for the detailed text underneath the title link inside Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. Best practices are using only 1-2 short sentences for this text.

Logo (Mandatory) - 500 x 300px image for your heading logo at the top of the page with transparency in png format. This logo image should have no background because it is used as a foreground for your event page.

Background (Mandatory) - 1920 x 1200px image with no text on it and just your event branding (the logo goes on top of this image separately). Tip: to keep the page fast loading optimise the image for web and keep it under 500kb.

Facebook Share Image (Recommended) - 1200x 630px image that is displayed inside Facebook when you share the buy page through your fan page or feed.

Thumbnail (Recommended) - 350 x 250px image with your logo or text and with a background. This image is used on the home page when 'Is on home page' is checked.

About (Mandatory) - The About area is for your long text description for your event, this can be as long as you feel appropriate. It displays on the description tab on the event page.

Slug (Mandatory) - Event permalink is the branded url that you would like to use when promoting your ticket on sale link throughout your marketing, there can be no spaces in this url. ie. triniq.com/youreventname or triniq.com/your-event-name

Is on Home Page (Optional) - If 'Is on Home Page' is checked then the event will display on the home page of Triniq. You may not have access to this setting, if you are looking for your event to be featured on the home page on Triniq then please contact support.

Show title (Optional) - Show title is whether or not the text event title on the event page. This is useful for when you have a logo image. If you use a logo image then this option should be deselected, if you do not use a logo image for your event (not recommended) then this option should be checked.

Timezone (Mandatory) - Event timezone is for selecting the timezone of the venue where your event is held, this is used for scheduling your ticket tiers/phases as well.


Image Compression - To keep load times fast, upload your images into high quality image compression apps before uploading your images to Triniq. A great free option is Shortpixel >> https://shortpixel.com/online-image-compression

Facebook Link Sharing - If when you share your Triniq link to Facebook it doesn't display correctly then this is easy to fix. First make sure you have filled out your event's title, short description or Facebook share image fields and saved it inside your event. If the links still aren't working correctly then visit the Facebook Debugger, input your event page URL from Triniq and when the data loads click Scrape Again a few times until Facebook refreshes the data for link sharing. Facebook Debugger >> https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

For Best Results - At bare minimum use all the mandatory and recommended fields for best results.