The admin dashboard is used as a quick glance summary of what's happening with your Triniq sales.

Triniq's dashboard is completely customisable. Any changes you make to your home admin dashboard reports pages will not affect anyone else's account. This only applies to the dashboard widgets, all other settings found in the admin area are platform-wide.

You can add as many widgets as you like, this helps you build the exact type of dashboard that makes the most sense to you.

Here are the currently available dashboard widgets. More useful widget utilities will be added over time. 

Sales Data Widget - This allows you to create a simple sales numeric data block that displays the sales of an event or ticket tier. This widget also has the option to filter the data by online or ambassador sales or both combined.

Sales Chart Widget - This allows you to create a sale graph that displays the timeline of sales for an event or ticket tier. This widget also has the option to filter the data by online or ambassador sales or both combined.

Demographic Widget - This allows you to view customer insights into the age, gender and location of ticket holders.

Ticket Tier Sales - This widget enables an interface with real time-tracking of sales against the ticket tier. This widget is essential for monitoring the number of ticket sales for each ticket tier. It will also track the sales of optional add-ons if you set them up for the event. 

Hourly Sales Data -This widget will give you insights into ticket sales in one hour intervals. This can be useful for important ticket launch dates. 

Ticket Scan Data - This widget will give you live and post-event insights into the number of tickets that are being scanned at your event. It will break this information down by ticket tier so you can compare real event attendance to your ticket sales data. It is extremely useful to set this widget up during the opening hours of your event, enabling live attendance insights during gate/door operating hours. 


How to add a new dashboard widget:

1.  Click the widgets dropdown menu and select the type of widget you are looking for (Data/Graph). (Make sure you are at and at the HOME dashboard)

2.  Once the widget type has been selected then click the + / add button next to the widget type.

3.  Once the widget has been added to the dashboard you will be able to leave it as it is or fine-tune the settings using the following steps below.

How to edit a dashboard widget:

The Chart and Data widgets both contain the same settings, they differ by displaying the data as previously described in this article.

1.  Hover over the widget HEADER you are looking to change and click the edit/change icon link. (The icon looks like a little pencil)

2.  Next, on the edit widget page, there are 3 settings. Firstly, configure which type of sales are counted:

    Include Ambassador Sales - Checked means that sales made via ambassadors will be included in this widget.

    Include Online Sales - Checked means that sales made via the online sales page will be included in this widget.

3.  Finally, you need to set the ticket type, there are 3 types of tickets that you can choose from:

    No Setting (---) - All lifetime events and ticket tiers are counted.

    Events - The total tickets of a single event are counted

    Tickets - Individual ticket tiers from a single event are counted.

4.  Once happy with your selection hit save, if the changes don't appear then give the page a quick refresh.

There are some great widget combinations that you can create to represent your sales data. Give them a try.

How to move and reorder dashboard widgets:

Part of making your admin dashboard work for you is having your data and graphs positioned in just the way you like it.

To move your dashboard widgets head to the dashboard, click & drag the 9 dots icon at the top right of the widget header, and the widget will move to whichever order you prefer it. Once you release it into the new position or order then the widget placement is saved.

The only limitation you have is that on desktops you have 2 columns to work with, whereas mobile has a single-column layout. Asides from that, there is plenty of flexibility to find a dashboard layout that you feel comfortable with.

How to remove and delete a dashboard widget:

1.  Hover over the widget header you are looking to delete and click the delete / remove icon link. (It looks like a X)

2.  Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

WARNING: This change cannot be restored so please use it carefully!

Tips for managing your dashboard:

1.  Use as many widgets as you need, sometimes for 1 large festival, we use 10 widgets just for 1 festival. Don't be shy, but keep it relevant.

2.  Remove widgets that are either old, expired or unnecessary.

3.  Master the power of dashboard widgets for a smoother sales channel.

The more efficiently you set up and manage your dashboard widgets, the better you will understand your event's sales and income. Feel free to ask us for more information about managing your dashboard.

What does the reset button next to the add button do?

If a recent event has expired and you would like to clear your dashboard widgets then click the reset widgets buttons.

WARNING: This change cannot be restored so please use it carefully! By doing this it will start your dashboard with a blank slate.