When you first log in to the Triniq admin area you see the left sidebar with all the admin areas and on the right, you see the main dashboard.
Firstly, in the top right of the screen, you have the profile menu. By clicking/hovering over the down arrow you will be able to visit the frontend on Triniq, change your password or log out. You'll also see the widgets area but we'll talk more about that in the next help article.
On the left you have the main admin menu, here is a short summary of what each admin area does:
Home - Quick link to the admin dashboard.
View Site - Visit the triniq.com to see the events on the frontend.
For the below options, hover your mouse over the section to see the expanded list.
Events - For creating and managing events, tickets and tiers.
Ambassadors - The Ambassadors module for managing external ticket sellers and outlets efficiently.
Reports - Access to some of the reports including transactions (see the reports help centre area on how to find all types of reports)
Users - The area to manage all user and customer accounts.
Settings - Account-wide settings.
Bookmarks - A quick way to access various links, more on that later.
Note that due to various permission structures, you may not see some of the areas mentioned above, if you believe you are missing permissions that are essential then please contact your account manager.
In the next article, learn how to use and customise your admin dashboard.